Friday, April 20, 2012

The Key Benefits Of Hair Transplant Scar Surgery

Hair transplant is usually very important to both the male and female who have experienced the problem of loss of hairs. However, after this procedure, most patients usually end up with some scarring in the area where the fur was plucked. These scars are not always very attractive and most people usually choose to cover them. There are a number of methods that patients can always use to cover hair transplant scars.

Since there are numerous methods that patients can always choose from, they need to pick those that meet their preferences and finances. This is because some of these methods are very expensive and not any other person can afford them. It is also important to remember that special test must always be carried out to test the compatibility of the donor and the recipient. This means that it is not always possible to receive hairs from any other person.

Growing long hairs and use of concealers are however still the cheapest and easiest hair loss treatments for men. These do not however work for everybody. This is because some people generally hate lots of hairs. Such people are always looking for alternative methods that they can use.

For those who prefer concealers, there are a number of them that they can always choose from. These concealers are usually made in different colors and shades to match almost every fur color that different people may have. These are usually applied shortly after sutures have been removed from the area. Even though it is not very expensive, most people do not prefer it since they have to apply the concealer everyday and sometimes even more than once in a day.

Micro fur tattooing is another method commonly used by those who do not like concealers to remove hair transplant scars. In this method, the scar is usually hidden using the tattoo. The tattoo must be made to look as close as possible to the natural hairs color of the person involved. To achieve this, different sized needles are always used as well as varying pigmentation.

The other group of people who want permanent solution to this problem should always choose surgery as their preferred method. There are two types of surgeries. The first involves stretching the surrounding scalp to cover the area. This does not however clear the scar but makes it very tiny and hard to be seen unless one is very keen.

As the patient ages after the surgery, there is always a possibility of the scar reappearing again. This procedure is very painful and expensive. This makes it a reserve for only few people who can afford to pay for it.

A follicular unit extraction is another commonly used method to repair hair transplant scars. In this procedure, hairs and follicles are taken out of the scalp area just around the scar or even from the beards. These hairs are then implanted directly on the scar and given time to grow. People with tiny scar and a lot of hairs to spare in other areas are always the best candidates for this method.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why You Must Undertake Hair Transplant Scar Removal

Those who have undergone a surgical Hair Transplant Scar Removal or locks transplant surgery need to be provided with boosters to improve their appearance. The thin locks areas needs to be filled and the density added without going through a surgical procedure. This at the end will make the scars disappear and will have a complete look.

Like many other scientific trials the first one failed but it did not end there. Later a discovery of tiny follicles that could not be detected and which could give a pleasing appearance than any other development in that sector. It was a great achievement. This gave birth to Cosmetic Trans dermal locks Replication.Because of different ethnicities of various people, the complexions and individual unique looks groups of professionals undertaking locks pigmentation had to further study this wonderful discovery of Hair Micropigmentation. You can thus rest assured knowing that regardless of your age, skin type, complexion or ethnicity your Hair Transplant Scar Repair procedure is in good hands.

The developers of this micropigmentation system later liaised with cosmetic make up specialists. There are other improvements to the original discovery that was made and various improvements to this innovation. The first procedure as successfully performed in the year 2008. The process was constantly improved. It was at this point that the idea was publicly shared as an exceptional option to other old locks restoration alternatives.

It is an innovative looks restoration solution that does not entail any surgery and unlike the other processes before it is a permanent procedure. It can be used to on both men and women who have a problem with balding or have thinning locks. It can also be used to improve, repair or remove previous locks restoration attempts.

There are fundamentally two types of restoration surgery. Do not forget that both of these processes result to scars which later have to be removed. The first one is called Follicular Unit Extraction. This involves transplanting a group of one to four from the donor to the balding site. It results to scratch marks on the donor site because of the tresses plucked in.

There are several factors that need to be put into consideration before erratic marks caused by this process of hair pigmentation is removed. Such factors include for instance the history of the client the extent of the marks and what the patient expects from the whole process.

Studies have shown that the follicle is not completely round. It is irregular. A common needle leaves a circular mark and if it is used during the transplant will cause an appearance that is not natural. There is therefore need for a Hair Transplant Scar Repair to be undertaken to supplement the Hair Micropigmentation.

Though both the processes of locks transplant results in scars they are good in dealing with both balding and thinning. The items that are used to conceal scars temporarily may be cheap but they fade during rainy season and will need frequent replacement as well. Besides you will not be neither confident nor comfortable donning them because of its shortcomings. The whole process of Hair Transplant Scar Removal should bear positive fruits.